Accept or Reject Jesus as LORD
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Accept JESUS as LORD
Reject JESUS as LORD
- Jesus, sinless, died for all sinners,
was raised to life, gives life, God is love.- Jesus did suffer and He did die for you,
He doesn't condemn you, God is love.- you reject dead religion, church guilt,
want to know a personal, living God.- you may try to be good, live a good life,
but know you can never be good enough.- you admit you are a hopeless sinner,
have a desperate need for a Savior.- you may feel good enough, not that bad,
feel no real need to be saved, for a Savior.- know you are not good, harm others,
and you reject your sinful, selfish pride.- you deny, defy, and disobey God,
and can't reject your sinful, selfish ways.- you accept God's free gift, are saved,
you submit, and it costs you your life.- you reject His offer to forgive you,
and it costs you in your life now.- you surrender your life to Him,
you serve only Jesus as your LORD.- you keep your life to serve yourself,
with your will, your plan, not God's.- you are born again, by the Holy Spirit,
now spiritually alive, a child of God.- you were born physically alive,
but born spiritually dead, apart from God.- you are His new creation, by His Spirit,
all your good deeds are for His glory.- you have no Holy Spirit, no real peace,
and any good deeds are for your glory.- you obey only 1 Master, are His slave,
are fully owned by Jesus alone.- you have many Masters, like a servant,
maybe Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Jew, ...- you want to proclaim His full truth,
to be His witness, to show His love.- you won't submit to Jesus as LORD,
your mind is blinded, deceived by Satan.- you walk His difficult path,
mostly serving, speaking and suffering.- you walk your own easy path,
mostly doing whatever you want to.- you get God's blessings, by His Spirit,
His love, joy, & peace in your struggles.- you get the consequences of your sin,
depression, guilt, shame, doubt, and fear.- on your death, your judgment is final,
Jesus paid for your sins, with His blood.- on your death, Jesus will judge you,
you pay for all your sins, with your blood.- you receive God's amazing mercy,
fully undeserved, and unearned by you.- you receive God's perfect justice,
fully deserved, and chosen by you.- His path leads to heaven, eternal life,
with your new life now, with Jesus.- your path leads to hell, eternal death,
your torment forever, alone.